XERADO - Old Indian Myth, Tale of the attack of Thunder

Title: “Old Indian Myth, Tale of the attack of Thunder
Artist: XERADO 
Media: mixed media
The god of the forest had his residence in a tree upon a prominence. When he needed anything, he left his house and sat on a branch of a tree, which was as smooth as glass. He carried with him a crooked instrument, with which he shot his arrows. By his power of attraction he drew around him all the birds of the forest, who acted as guards and sentinels, and informed him when anything approached his residence, that he might prepare for defense. When one of the little gods of thunder came hurtling along, casting his arrow at the tree, in expectation of killing the forest god, the latter, having been informed of the approach by his flying sentinels, quickly retired beneath the tree. The god of thunder sent his arrow after him at the foot of the tree, but coming in contact with the water, it was lost.

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